Capacity Building

Institute of Forensic Sciences

The forensic training will provide affordable continuing education, training and PFSA certification training to professionals according to internationally established competency standards. We have developed designed and delivered many training programs aimed at training of scientist and technicians, educating and capacity building of law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, medical examiners, investigators and to support the universities to produce the human resource on forensic science principles, techniques and applications. These courses are delivered using proven approach to instructional design and learning system of state of the art training facilities.
The forensic training section serves the entire Criminal Justice System and law enforcement officers throughout the country. Each month, approximately 2-3 programs of varying length and complexity are offered and about 100-150 officers are exposed to technical training. This training concerns the many services offered by our agency, so that the laboratory value of the evidence discovered at a crime scene will be recognized and that the evidence will be properly handle. This training course focuses to the ability of law enforcement officers to demonstrate proper techniques of locating, recognizing and collecting items of physical evidence, properly package storage and submit physical evidence, and interpret a crime scene to develop a profile of a possible suspect.
Other aspects of the training section include the maintenance of laboratory of books, movies, slide programs and videotapes, laboratory tours for trainees and the explanation of scientific concept.
Our goal is for all stakeholders to provide the highest level of forensic science services. We work closely with a variety of law enforcement agencies including the judicial system, universities and international laboratories to deliver programs that leverage our nation’s brightest minds to advance the field of forensic science.

Program Descriptions

PFSA training institute plays a crucial role in the justice system by providing scientific and foundational information for investigations and the courts. It focuses primarily on education and training in those disciplines traditionally and generally associated with the work of forensic science laboratories, commonly refer to as criminalistics.
  • Latent Finger Print Training
  • Medico legal Death Investigation Training
  • Computer Forensic and Audio Visual Analysis Training
  • Question Documents Training
  • DNA Evidence Consideration Training
  • Firearm and Tool mark Training
  • Forensic Toxicology and Narcotics Training

General Information


Contact: 042-37840007, Ext: 4009